Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Welcome to the first blog of the life of a Hooters Girl.

I met for orientation today here's how it went.

I walked into the establishment to see two girls standing at the front, doing their job of course. The one girl made me feel a lot better about being a bit bigger than most rail thin Hooters Girls. One girl got the GM and I started filling out paperwork, another manager came over to say hi and just as he walked up a Hooters girl, my new co-worker, walks up. Acts like I don't exist, I mean I didn't imagine they would all jump up at the new girl and introduce themselves, but a simple "hi" would have sufficed.

As I was still chatting and filling out paperwork another girl came up, thank god this girl had the decency to introduce herself. She seemed nice. After filling out paperwork I was taken to another part of the place and the manager started with the orientation. I know, I know, what could they possibly teach me besides how to stuff a bra right?

Well there were 5 or 6 girls in that part of Hooters, again my co-workers, whom basically snubbed me. Kept looking me up and down and scoffing. They were saying obsean things like "maybe if you sleep with the manager you'll get good shifts", and other things of that sort. Right in the middle of my orientation! Of course I know it's not true and the manager disclosed that to the girls. The whole situation made me uncomfortable.

I got my uniform, found out how to make my schedule (yes we make our weekly schedules, that's awesome!), and left with those girls still ringing in my head. Do all girls do this, or just the really trashy ones that were at my store? I know I am 10 time prettier than they are, but they are also skinnier than me so shouldn't they chill and embrace new girls since they get them all the time?

I don't get it and feel like I won't make any friends with any of these girls. Maybe I'll meet a normal one tomorrow during my training. Hopefully.

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